
A present, I am returning to my first love, theatre. With a small band of friends, we are adapting the novel into play, which we expect to be produced in autumn of 2024. This is an exciting and enjoyable project. Do look at our The Production page to discover more.
I have travelled through many creative disciplines, starting out in dance, I then went into theatre. In midlife I went to Art school and studied sculpture. More recently I enjoyed developing and producing community productions. I love working with people who just enjoy thier creativity for the fun of it. No hassel, no stress. It is the transitory nature of performance that I find so inspiring, it is real people in real time. It is like a firework, it happens and then it is gone, but if it's good, it lurks in the memory. Although writing came late, poetry has been a constant companion, but in truth, my family have always been my greatest joy and oftentimes, challenge. No different from many others, I expect. The countryside always feeds me, but people give me life.
As for now, my home is on the ragged coast of Essex, England. In 1720, a young woman called Kitty Canham was born nearby. It is our shared landscape which inspired me to write my debut novel based on the fascinating story of her life. I discovered writing late, being one of the many dylexic ADHDers, that were diagnosed late in life. I am glad to have found writing and look forward to where the adaptation of the novel takes us. I am also playing with paint again. It is a medium I enjoy and find all but impossible to master. However, I will keep on tinckering, just for the fun of it.
May you have joy in all your endeavors.
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