This was my writing space on a lovely summer's day. It was here that I filled in a Q&A set by my wonderful publicist Hannah Hargrave. It was a fascinating journey and really helped me consider my process.
I was asked to cast the novel for a film. I probably spent far too much time on it. My writing refelcts my theatrical background and you will note it in the casting. Having excellent actors is the top priority over perfect looks.
We often think that things just come out of our heads, but a friend once reminded me that everything we see or hear or engage with with any of our senses, becomes a part of us. It wasn't until answering the Q&A that I realised the full extent of the influences that had become a part of the novel.
It amazes me how little we consider our motivations and inspriations until asked to do so. I suppose it is not unlike journaling, which is a great way to process thoughts. It is essential for all of us in the creative industries to think through what we are doing in a way that leads us on into the next project.
Here's the Q&A. Enjoy.
